Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hello girls,
Who loves ice cream? I can not live without ice cream, is my favorite dessert. Lately, Taiwan is so hot, and this is a good option to refresh me. There have so many recipes to make at home, and it can less caloric than that one you buy in the supermarket. Today I want to share with you, my favorite recipes to make at home. I hope you like it.

Mango Ice cream
Mango Ice Cream


. 2 egg whites
. 1 pinch of salt
. 7 g  of unflavored gelatin powder
. 80 ml of water
. 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
. 200 ml of milk ( I use light milk)
. 1 can of mango pulp (460 g)
. 1 lemon juice


 Place in a blender the egg white, salt and set 2 min/level 3 ½. Remove and set aside in a container.
 In a small bowl place the gelatin with water and place in the microwave 20 to 30 seconds.
Place in the other blender cup, condensed milk, milk, mango pulp, lemon juice and set 1 min/level 3.
Then, program 20 sec / 3 ½ level through the cap add the melted gelatin.
Remove to a container, add the mixture of egg white and mix very well. Take it to the freezer.

Passion fruit ice cream (I love it)

passion fruit Ice Cream


. 1 can of passion fruit pulp
. 1 can of condensed milk
. 200 ml of heavy cream
. 2 natural yogurts
. 4 tablespoons of sugar (replace with sweetener)
. 5 spoons of water


Prepare the ice cream:
Add half of the Passion with condensed milk. Beat the cream and involve in the preparation of passion fruit. Add the yogurt and mix well. Pour into a container, cover and place in the freezer for overnight.

Prepare the syrup:
Add the remaining passion fruit pulp with sugar and water. Bring to the boil for three minutes, stirring constantly. Remove and let cool.

Place in previously frozen glasses. With the help of a spoon for ice cream, make ice cream balls and add the syrup to the top.
For a special flavor, you can add at the end of the ice cream preparation, a spoon of coffee, vanilla essence.

Oreo Ice Cream
Oreo Ice Cream

 2 packets of Oreo cookies
2 can of condensed milk
 2 packages of heavy cream

Crush the Oreos (may leave some larger pieces). Whisk the cream very well and then add the milk. After adding the crushed Oreos, stir well until all mixed and it is ready, easy and delicious! Then take to the freezer, and serve cold.

Coconut and Oreo cookies ice cream
Oreo and coconut Ice Cream

400 ml of coconut milk
1 can of  light condensed milk
400 ml of skimmed milk
400 ml of light heavy cream
2 tablespoons grated coconut
Oreo cookies

Mix the coconut milk with condensed milk, cream, and milk.
Add the grated coconut. (If you have ice cream machine prepare ice cream according to the instructions of the manufacturer of your ice cream machine).
I added the crushed oreo cookies before placing in a blender,  but if you prefer you can add oreo at the end of preparation. Take it to the freezer for about 2 hours.
Serve with crumbled biscuits and indulge yourself! ...

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Hello girls,
As anyone know, the alimentation  influences the appearance of the skin and our body. If your diet is not healthy, it will reflect directly on the appearance of the skin, which may develop spots, pimples, wrinkles, blackheads, cellulite, sagging and signs of aging, among other problems.
Keeping a balanced diet is the best way to prevent these conditions. That's because beauty is generated from the inside to out, and the nutrients are present in the body that will nourish the skin and make it more beautiful. Thus, fibers, vegetables, raw vegetables, fruits and plenty of water are fundamental for a Cinderella skin.
The juices lead to body nutrients that help to keep the flawless beauty, the improvement in the vitality of skin and hair may be related to food.
Who does not want to have a princess skin? You can fight this  beauty problems with the help of some powerful juice. But you do not need to spend the day drinking only juice: a glass daily is enough. I hope you like it


Juice 1

· 1 green apple
· 1 large cabbage leaf
· 1 slice of pineapple
· 1 orange

 In a blend put the apple, cabbage, pineapple and orange. If you prefer, garnish the glass with some mint leaves.

How does it act in your body?
Anti-inflammatory action, is detoxifying and activates the production of keratin, reducing the oiliness of the face and hair.

Juice 2

· 1 carrot
· 1 medium slice of beet
 . 2 cabbage leaves
· 1 handful of spinach
· 1 green apple
· 1/2 orange

Put the in a blender, and beat, then serve well chilled.

How does it act in your body?
This combination of ingredients takes some of the most powerful foods in the fight against wrinkles! Vitamin also improves skin texture and leaves the strongest and shiny hair.
juice 3

Juice 3
· 2 passion fruit (seedless)
· 8 strawberries
· 1 slice of mango
· 1 cabbage leaf
· 1 cup of cold water

Beat all ingredients in a blender and serve with ice pebbles. It need not strain!

How it acts in your body
Refreshing, detoxifying, has anti-inflammatory action and helps in the formation of collagen, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

Juice 4
· 1/2 cup of orange juice
· 1 grated carrot
· 1 col.  of golden linseed
· 1 broccoli
· 1/2 cup of cold mineral water

Beat all ingredients in a blender and serve sweeten to taste with honey or sweetener (no sugar place, if you use sugar, you will get a diva hair and  extra pounds).

How it acts in your body
Made with golden flax seed, helps the body produce keratin, a substance that serves as the basis of nails and hair. Flax-seed can be found in pharmacies or stores that sell natural products.
juice 2

juice 5

2 · cabbage leaves
· 1 cup.  of spinach leaves
· 1 handful of fennel leaves
· 1 orange juice
· 1/2 grated carrot
· 1 handful of mint
· 1 nut

Way of doing
Chop the ingredients  and mix all in a blender, with some ice cubes. Drink immediately.

How it acts in your body
Energy, this vitamin cleans the entire body, removing toxins, and even has anti-inflammatory action, which shields the body against flu, colds, sinusitis attacks and other diseases.

100 g Avocado
1 small apple
50 g celery
50 g of spinach
50 g of Cucumber
ice cube

In the centrifuge process celery, spinach, cucumber and apple. Bring the mixture to a blender and add the avocado and ice. Beat and drink.

2 chopped carrots
½ apple with the peel and seedless
1 cup chopped melon
1 slice ginger shelled
½ cup of parsley
1 tablespoon flax seed  - soak in water overnight
Sweetener (optional)

Put the ingredients in the centrifuge or in a blender. Alternatively strain and drink.

The carrot and parsley are sources of beta-carotene, which converted in the body into vitamin A, stimulates the immune system and acts on recovery and brightness of the skin. Also has anti-inflammatory substances and fights aging.


 2 carrots
½ cucumber
½ beet
250 ml water

Cut into slice all ingredients, add water and mix everything in a blender. Strain and drink the juice immediately.
juice 1
Hello girls,
I'm sorry for disappearing, I was busy taking a test. As you can see, I changed my blog template, and what do you think about new template?
Today I'm gonna to share with you chocolate benefit for skin.
Chocolate arouses passions, is one of the most delicious desserts and appreciated in the world, but also one of the best ingredients in terms of beauty, largely favoring the appearance of our skin. Its many cosmetic benefits make it the perfect partner for all kinds of facial products, being a leading player in the development of masks.
It also offers a lot of benefits for our health and is one of the ingredients used in the cosmetic industry for its different effects on the skin.

chocolate facial mask

Chocolate benefit

Chocolate is a common ingredient and highly recommended to make homemade face masks for any skin type. This is due to its many properties, including the ability to efficiently hydrate our skin, becoming so great as to face and to the rest of the body.

Specifically dark chocolate is the most beneficial to the skin due to its high content of cocoa. This ingredient helps fight inflammation of the skin, so it's great when the skin has some type of irritation or inflammation, for example in cases of acne.

Another of the benefits of chocolate for your skin is its ability to help us fight against premature aging thanks to its great contribution of antioxidants. So, when we apply a facial or body chocolate mask, observe that when removing it from our skin is much smoother and with a healthy and rejuvenated appearance.

Chocolate also benefits the face and body movement, giving the feeling of our skin becomes more smooth and soft. In face, the application helps smooth wrinkles notably, and the rest of the body hides the presence of spot.

Homemade chocolate facial mask

Hydrating chocolate mask

½ dark chocolate bar
1 pot of plain yogurt
2 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon almond oil or canola oil (optional)

Beat the yogurt with the melted chocolate  in a blender, add the honey and oil (optional). Who have oily skin should avoid it.
Let stand for 20 minutes and remove with water. "If you want a more enjoyable experience, you can apply the mask warm on the skin."

Chocolate mask to soften and exfoliate the face

1/4 cup of cocoa powder;
1/5 a cup of honey;
4 tablespoons of oatmeal or powdered oat
4 tablespoons of cream

Mix the cocoa powder with oat gradually and stirring constantly, then add the honey and cream. Make a smooth paste and apply on your face for 20 minutes. If you remain some , you can apply it over the body, since that this chocolate mask is efficient for the entire skin. Rinse with warm water and enjoy a renewed and beautiful skin.
skin care

 Chocolate mask for dry skin

1 sugar free dark chocolate bar
1 spoon of almond oil
1 spoonful of  moisturizer (appropriate for your skin type) with properties to improve skin firmness

After the chocolate  melted according to the instructions, all ingredients should be mixed to form a homogeneous mixture. Apply on your skin, and let stand for 20 minutes, remove with water.

Chocolate mask to rejuvenate the skin

1 dark chocolate bar without sugar;
1 spoon of rose-hip oil
1 spoonful of plain yogurt
1 egg yolk
1 spoon of honey

Melt the chocolate with the two tablespoons of rose hip oil in double boiler. Once it is melted and has sufficiently cooled down add the plain yogurt, honey and egg yolk, apply on your skin for 20 minutes. Remove with warm water and enjoy a smooth skin, nourished and hydrated. This mask can be applied once or twice a week.

Chocolate mask to nourish the skin

1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 tablespoon of plain yogurt
1 tablespoon of honey
If you want to increase the effects add 1 vitamin E capsule

Mix ingredients and apply on your face for 20 minutes. Remove with warm water and then you will see how your skin is not only smooth but also looks healthier and brighter.

2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
2 tablespoons  of olive oil
2 tablespoons of brown sugar

Mix the ingredients very well. Then apply this mixture on the face. Leave the mask to act for 20 minutes and remove with warm water. Repeat the procedure  once a week.

Chocolate mask

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hello sweeties,
Today I 'm gonna to share with you this wonderful oven baked rice recipe, which is very delicious, and if you want to learn how to do it, so take a look. I hope you like it.


.250 g of ham cut into small cubes and seasoned to taste
. ½ seasoned chicken breast cut in cubes
. 2 Tuscan sausage cut into slices
. 2 tablespoons  of oil or olive oil
. 1 chopped onion
. 2 finely chopped garlic cloves
. ½ cup of tomato paste
. 2 cups of uncooked rice
. 5 cups of boiling water
. Salt to taste
. 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley
. 1 cup mozzarella cheese in cubes

Heat the oil in a large pan and brown the chicken,ham an sausage slowly. Put them in an ovenproof dish and add, the garlic, tomato paste, rice, boiling water and salt to taste, always mixing.
Bake, preheated to 200 ° C  about 50 minutes. Remove from oven and with 2 forks, stir, adding the cheese and parsley. Serve immediately.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hello glamorous women,
Throughout our lives, our body and skin suffer many changes, because the time factor is something unavoidable. Of course, our skin also turns out to be impaired. Over time, our skin matures,  which it begins to appear the first wrinkles, wrinkles those  come to intensify later, the skin also starts sagging , loses elasticity, begin to appear spots and also tends to become dehydrated.
Thus it can be said that over time our skin is extremely weak, because begins to lose collagen. So if you do not care your skin early,then it will become  a dry skin and lack of vitality.
Is very important to take care of your skin throughout your life, remembering always that in every age the skin requires different care, as a mature skin requires much  care than a young skin of 20 years old.
However there are certain factors that negatively influence with this aging, it can lead your skin to age prematurely.

- UV rays;
- Tobacco;
- Pollution;
- Stress;
- Excessive alcohol consumption;
- Practice a poor diet;
- Lack of physical activity;
- Lack of protective care and preservation of our skin

home care

Tips and care for mature skin 

Did you know for a better results, you should cares of your body or skin in to out?

Internal hydration
The term internal hydration, the hydration is performed through the intake of water, which may be obtained from some foods or liquids, such as watermelon, pineapple, orange,and fruits juice. This type of   hydration allows to hydrate the deep and superficial layers of the skin, this being done via the transpiration process.

External hydration
The term external hydration, hydration which is made on the basis of moisturizing creams. Thus this type of hydration occurs more to the surface level of the skin, but it is still be efficient.

skin care

Do you have a dry skin? Care tips

Use a creamy cleanser formulated for dry skin
Exfoliate on a weekly
Don't use hot water
Moisturizing moisturizers and oils will help lock moisture in. Apply at night and in the morning before your makeup.

Mature skin cares

Exfoliation is the main key
Remove the dead skin.

Make sure you have the right cleansers and moisturizers
It's very important to choose cleansers, moisturizers and a skin care routine formulated for your skin type.

Use the sunscreen every day
The first thing you put on your face and chest in the morning (rain or shine, even in the night) should be sunscreen of at least 35 SPF. And you should apply it throughout the day if you are outdoors all day.

- Make skin cleanser twice a day, once in the morning and at bedtime;

- Use daily creams, serums and lotions which have antioxidant properties in its constituents,  hyaluronic acid, UV stimulating factor, and allowing the attachment of water molecules to the skin. In addition to these components, creams with retinol, hydroquinone, reffermine, tretinoin and
Coenzyme Q10, will also be a great option for those looking for a healthy mature skin.
Thus must have at least 3 types of creams, one for eyes, one for the face and neck .

- Make aesthetic treatments;

However be careful to exaggeration.
mature skin

Make your homemade creams

150 grams of oats powder
1 egg yolk

Place the oatmeal and egg yolk in a container, stir and add the honey until the mask has the desired consistency.
How to apply: Clean your skin with an exfoliating lotion and a tonic lotion, then wash the face with water, dry the excess and apply the mask evenly over the entire face. Then let act for 20 to 30 minutes, and  wash again with warm water. Finally apply some ice over the entire face so that close the pores.
skin care2

 1 spoonful of Bepanthol ointment
1 spoonful of  Cicatricure
6 drops of vitamin A
Almond oil( for dry skin)

Preparation: Place all ingredients in a bowl, and, mix well.
The application of the cream, is especially suitable for the night and should therefore be applied over the entire face before to go to the bed. This does not require removal, because the objective thereof is to moisturize the skin throughout the night.
homemade mask

Homemade peeling
2 tablespoons powdered oatmeal
1 spoon of papaya pulp
1 spoon of natural yogurt.
Preparation: To prepare this excellent peeling only needs to mix all ingredients.
How to apply?
Application  is also quite simple. Thus should apply the preparation over the entire face and leave for 15 to 20 minutes. After is time to wash face  with cold water so that close the pores .
For all the benefits that may be associated with this natural product, it is recommended that repeat applications  15 in 15 days.

Homemade orange cream

This cream is a great option for those who have very dry skin, since this provides a deep moisturizing for all skin layers.

1 vitamin E capsule
 50 ml of rose water
 3 drops of grapefruit seed extract
 2 tablespoons jojoba oil
 1 tablespoon almond oil
 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
 3 drops of palmarosa essential oil
 3 drops of neroli essential oil
 1 tablespoon of beeswax zest.

Preparation: Place the oil in a pan with beeswax zest, then let it boil in bain-marie until all ingredients are connected. Then remove the pan from the heat and add the  vitamin E capsule, then add the rose water, which must first be heated and mix the mixture until cool. To finish  add to the cream palmarosa oil, grapefruit seed extract and  neroli oil. Then just mix very well all the ingredients and your moisturizer cream is ready.

How to apply?
To apply this cream, you should apply it evenly over the  face and leave for  10 to 15 minutes. After this time only wash your face to remove the cream and apply a tonic lotion.
To get all the benefits that this cream has for you,  is recommended to apply weekly, before to the bedtime.
beautiful mature skin

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hello pretty women,
Only  who those have a curly hair or afro hair know how it is hard  to take care of them. So many women with this type of hair choose to straighten them for the ease of caring of straight hair. And this excess chemical products end up for leaving the hair very thin, brittle hair, dull and unhealthy, and many times leads to hair loss and reducing the hair volume. I been there, done that!!!!
Check out some tips I prepared for you. I hope you like it.

curly hair

Keep curls defined with curly activator. Keep the product in the bag and spray it in your time to time throughout the day.

Combat the dryness  doing weekly hydration. Prefer the wheat amino acids masks and shea butter.

If you want to dry your naturally, all right: just apply leave-in for the curls hair in damp hair.

Use a cosmetic volume reducer based on aloe vera and proteins - retains moisture and tames the hair.

Wash hair once a week or every other week: This will help prevent build-up of hair care products, which can be drying to the hair.

Use conditioner: Use conditioner every time you wash your hair. Be sure to coat the ends of the hair with conditioner, as the ends are the oldest and most fragile part of your hair.

Use a hot oil treatment twice a month: This adds additional moisture and elasticity to your hair.
Use a heat protecting product before styling: Adding this to wet hair before styling will help minimize heat damage.

Use caution with relaxers: To minimize hair damage, always go to a professional hair stylist to ensure that the relaxer is applied safely. Touch-ups should only be done every two to three months and only to newly grown hair. Never apply relaxer to hair that has already been relaxed.
lindo curly hair

Use ceramic combs or irons to press hair: If you would like to press or thermally straighten your hair, use a ceramic comb or iron and only do so once a week. Use a straightening device with a dial to ensure the device is not too hot. Use the lowest possible temperature setting that gives you the style you want. A higher temperature may be necessary for thicker, coarser hair.
Make sure braids, cornrows or weaves are not too tight: If it hurts while your hair is being styled, ask the stylist to stop and redo it. Pain equals damage.
hally berry

Check the homemade mask for curly and afro hair

Mask 1

-2 tablespoons  of your usual hydration cream
- 1 spoonful of Bepantol solution (liquid)
- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- 3 tablespoons of  coconut milk
- 2 tablespoons  of extra virgin olive oil

- Mix all the ingredients until become a cream.
- Wash your hair with your usual shampoo, preferably a Anti-Residues shampoo to open the hair cuticle that will better absorb the products.
- Apply all over the hair.
- Wait 10 minutes for the hair to absorb the cream.
- Then make a massage in the hair, from the hair ends to the root. Wait another 10 minutes and rinse. Apply conditioner.
- Remove excess water with towel and finish with be leave-in or usual styling cream.

NOTE: If your hair is not too dry or not too curly or is not badly damaged, avoid this hydration, because the oils used may leave your hair very heavy and greasy.
afro air

Mask 2
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- 1 hair repair ampoule (of your choice)
- Your  hydration cream

Add a little of your hydration cream with the other ingredients, until forming a paste. Before applying the mask, put a little oil in your hands and make a scalp massage.
- Apply the hydration mask  in the hair lock to lock and leave it for 30 minutes covered with a hair cap.
- After the 30-min rinse the hair and wash with shampoo and conditioner.
- Finish with a cream of your choice (leave-in).
afro ahir 1

Mask 3

- 1 ripe banana
- hydration cream

- Mash the banana.
- Add  the mashed  banana with your usual hydration cream.
- Wash your hair as usual.
- Apply the mixture in the hair strand to hair strand. Let stand for 30 min. Rinse and apply conditioner.
- Finalize as usual.
afro hair type 3

Mask 4

- 2 tablespoons of warm whole milk
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- Your usual hydration cream
- 4 drops of any essential oil (argan, almonds, coconut ...)
- ½ teaspoon of honey

- Mix all  ingredients  until very smooth.
- Wash your hair as usual
- Apply hydration mask in the hair shaft to hair shaft  and leave it for 30 min. Rinse and apply conditioner.
- Finalize as usual.

afro curly hair

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