femininity and glamorous

Saturday, July 13, 2024

 Veggie Natura, has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise €100,000 for its operation.

Veggie Natura is a 100% one-stop vegan grocery store dedicated to making vegans' lives easier by presenting fair, ethical, and healthy alternatives.

At Veggie Natura It’s Vegan, we believe that healthy and sustainable plant-based eating is the key to a better future for both people and the planet.

Our products are appropriate for everyone who cares about the planet, and animals, for vegans and non-vegans.

We always handpick our supplier ingredients from organic farm production, entirely free of pesticides.

Plus, we also have various food products, Skincare, Health and Wellness, and Makeup which are recommended for anyone.

The Veggie Natura aims to make vegan products as affordable and accessible as possible. It is described as a “community-driven, conscious marketplace focused on ethical, sustainable, and healthy food choices.

The campaign is running on Gogetfunding, and anyone can participate. Veggie Natura hopes the funding will allow it to scale up operations and serve the community.

The launch of our crowdfunding campaign is a significant milestone for us. We are on a mission to create a community of conscious consumers and make vegan living an effortless choice, turning it into an expression of abundance and health.

You can be a part of this movement, even a small amount helps to bring the Veggie Natura to life. Donate here and be a part of the community.

The Veggie Natura Launches Its Fundraising Campaign

Sunday, October 29, 2023

 Caro entusiasta vegano!

Num mundo que desperta para a importância das escolhas conscientes do consumidor, a jornada para estabelecer uma mercearia vegana é simplesmente revolucionária. Com a preocupação com o meio ambiente, bem estar animal e a preocupação com a saúde em ascensão, seu empreendimento está perfeitamente sincronizado. Neste post do blog, vamos desvendar porque é que o mundo deve tornar-se cada vez mais consciente do seu impacto ambiental e da importância de uma vida saudável. A Veggie Natura pretende trazer-lhe o futuro das compras de supermercado - um Oásis Vegano que mudará a forma como pensa sobre comida. Estamos prestes a embarcar em uma jornada juntos e queremos que você faça parte da revolução vegana.

Juntos numa vida de Compras Sustentáveis, Produtos Vegetais, Mercearia Ecológica, Estilo de Vida Vegano, Consumismo Ético, Alimentação Saudável, Compras com Desperdício Zero, Dieta a Base De Plantas, Vida Sustentável.

A história da Veggie Natura:

Imagine isto: você entra em um supermercado onde todos os produtos são à base de plantas, livres de crueldade e de origem sustentável. Esta é a visão por trás da Veggie Natura, onde estamos redefinindo a experiência de compra de supermercado.

Em nossoaVeggie Natura, você descobrirá uma seleção selecionada de produtos frescos, produtos orgânicos, produtos domésticos ecológicos, produtos de beleza veganos e sem crueldade e tudo que você precisa para viver um estilo de vida ecológico e compassivo. Diga adeus aos rótulos e verifique os ingredientes, porque tudo nas nossas prateleiras segue rígidos padrões veganos.

Juntos numa vida de Compras Sustentáveis, Produtos Vegetais, Mercearia Ecológica, Estilo de Vida Vegano, Consumismo Ético, Alimentação Saudável, Compras com Desperdício Zero, Dieta a Base De Plantas, Vida Sustentável.

Por que Veggie Natura?

Sustentabilidade: Nossa loja está comprometida em reduzir sua pegada de carbono, com iluminação eficiente em termos energéticos e desperdício mínimo de embalagens.

Saúde e bem-estar: Explore os benefícios para a saúde de uma dieta baseada em vegetais, com aconselhamento especializado e uma ampla variedade de produtos veganos ricos em nutrientes.

Centrado na comunidade: Nosso objetivo é criar uma comunidade de apoio por meio de workshops, eventos e recursos educacionais.

Acessibilidade: A Veggie Natura foi projetada para ser econômica e acessível a todos, tornando a vida vegana uma opção para todos.

Juntos numa vida de Compras Sustentáveis, Produtos Vegetais, Mercearia Ecológica, Estilo de Vida Vegano, Consumismo Ético, Alimentação Saudável, Compras com Desperdício Zero, Dieta a Base De Plantas, Vida Sustentável.

Apoie nossa campanha Indiegogo:

Nosso sonho de criar a mercearia vegana definitiva está ao nosso alcance, mas precisamos do seu apoio! Ao contribuir para a nossa campanha Gogetfunding, você não está apenas nos ajudando a tornar este projeto uma realidade; você também está se juntando ao movimento vegano, promovendo a sustentabilidade e apoiando o consumismo ético.

Vantagens para colaboradores:

Acesso antecipado ao nosso Veggie Natura.

Descontos exclusivos em nossos produtos.

Mercadoria Veggie Natura de edição limitada.

Guias de estilo de vida vegano personalizados.

Reconhecimento como apoiador fundador da nossa loja.

Juntos numa vida de Compras Sustentáveis, Produtos Vegetais, Mercearia Ecológica, Estilo de Vida Vegano, Consumismo Ético, Alimentação Saudável, Compras com Desperdício Zero, Dieta a Base De Plantas, Vida Sustentável.

Espalhe a palavra:

campanha no IndiegogoPara tornar nossa campanha no Indiegogo um sucesso estrondoso, precisamos da sua ajuda para divulgá-la. Compartilhe esta postagem do blog em suas plataformas de mídia social, envie-a por e-mail para seus amigos e familiares e seja a voz da mudança em sua comunidade.

O futuro das compras de supermercado é vegano e está aqui na Veggie Natura. Junte-se a nós para tornar esta visão uma realidade apoiando nossa campanha no Indiegogo. Juntos, podemos mudar a forma como o mundo faz compras, promovendo um estilo de vida sustentável, compassivo e saudável. Chegou a hora de fazer parte da revolução Veggie Natura!

Juntos numa vida de Compras Sustentáveis, Produtos Vegetais, Mercearia Ecológica, Estilo de Vida Vegano, Consumismo Ético, Alimentação Saudável, Compras com Desperdício Zero, Dieta a Base De Plantas, Vida Sustentável.

Juntos numa vida de Compras Sustentáveis, Produtos Vegetais, Mercearia Ecológica, Estilo de Vida Vegano, Consumismo Ético, Alimentação Saudável, Compras com Desperdício Zero, Dieta a Base De Plantas, Vida Sustentável.

DOAR AQUI  Agora, vamos tornar esse post viral!

Dear vegan enthusiast!

In a world awakening to the importance of conscious consumer choices, the journey to establish a vegan grocery store is nothing short of revolutionary. With eco-friendliness and health-consciousness on the rise, your venture is perfectly timed. In this blog post, we'll unveil why the world should become increasingly conscious of its environmental impact and the importance of healthy living, Veggie Natura aims to bring you the future of grocery shopping - a Vegan Oasis that will change the way you think about food. We're about to embark on a journey together, and we want you to be a part of the vegan revolution.

Let's contribute with Sustainable Shopping, Plant-Based Products, Eco-Friendly Groceries, Vegan Lifestyle, Ethical Consumerism, Healthful Eating, Zero-Waste Shopping, Plant-based diet, and Sustainable Living.

The Veggie Natura Story:

Picture this: You walk into a grocery store where every product is plant-based, cruelty-free, and sustainably sourced. This is the vision behind Veggie Natura, where we're redefining the grocery shopping experience.

In our Veggie Natura, you'll discover a curated selection of fresh produce, organic goods, eco-friendly household products, vegan and cruelty-free beauty products, and everything you need to live a compassionate, green lifestyle. Say goodbye to labels and check ingredients, because everything on our shelves adheres to strict vegan standards.

Let's contribute with Sustainable Shopping, Plant-Based Products, Eco-Friendly Groceries, Vegan Lifestyle, Ethical Consumerism, Healthful Eating, Zero-Waste Shopping, Plant-based diet, and Sustainable Living.

Why Veggie Natura?

Sustainability: Our store is committed to reducing its carbon footprint, with energy-efficient lighting and minimal packaging waste.

Health and Wellness: Explore the health benefits of a plant-based diet, with expert advice and a wide range of nutrient-rich vegan products.

Community-Centric: We aim to create a supportive community through workshops, events, and educational resources.

Accessibility: Veggie Natura is designed to be affordable and accessible to all, making vegan living an option for everyone.

Let's contribute with Sustainable Shopping, Plant-Based Products, Eco-Friendly Groceries, Vegan Lifestyle, Ethical Consumerism, Healthful Eating, Zero-Waste Shopping, Plant-based diet, and Sustainable Living.

Support Our Indiegogo Campaign:

Our dream of creating the ultimate Vegan Grocery Store is within reach, but we need your support! By contributing to our Indiegogo campaign, you're not just helping us make this project a reality; you're also joining the vegan movement, promoting sustainability, and supporting ethical consumerism.

Perks for Contributors:

Early access to our Veggie Natura.

Exclusive discounts on our products.

Limited-edition Veggie Natura merchandise.

Personalized vegan lifestyle guides.

Recognition as a founding supporter of our store.

Let's contribute with Sustainable Shopping, Plant-Based Products, Eco-Friendly Groceries, Vegan Lifestyle, Ethical Consumerism, Healthful Eating, Zero-Waste Shopping, Plant-based diet, and Sustainable Living.
Spread the Word:

To make our Indiegogo campaign a roaring success, we need your help in spreading the word. Share this blog post on your social media platforms, email it to your friends and family, and be the voice of change in your community.

The future of grocery shopping is vegan, and it's here at Veggie Natura. Join us in making this vision a reality by supporting our Indiegogo campaign. Together, we can change the way the world shops, promoting a sustainable, compassionate, and healthy lifestyle. It's time to be part of the Veggie Natura revolution!

Let's contribute with Sustainable Shopping, Plant-Based Products, Eco-Friendly Groceries, Vegan Lifestyle, Ethical Consumerism, Healthful Eating, Zero-Waste Shopping, Plant-based diet, and Sustainable Living.

Let's contribute with Sustainable Shopping, Plant-Based Products, Eco-Friendly Groceries, Vegan Lifestyle, Ethical Consumerism, Healthful Eating, Zero-Waste Shopping, Plant-based diet, and Sustainable Living.

Now, let's make this post go viral!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Hello, ladies!

It is summer, the classes are almost over, and I cannot wait to travel cause my brain needs it.
Traveling is amazing, packing well not so amazing! I remember once I was traveling to Macau it took me one whole week to pack my suitcase, well I'm kinda lazy when it comes to packing. But packing is not always an easy task, especially for women, who usually carry more than men.

After all, when it is necessary to choose what to take, everything seems to be indispensable and doubts arise about what is a priority, what can be left aside, and, especially, how to accommodate all in the luggage.

The good news, however, is that with a few simple tricks, it's easier to carry everything you need, making the most of the space in your suitcase.
travel tips

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Hello ladies!

Most of the woman loves a good nude lipstick (I'm a kind suspect, hahaha) and is always looking for a perfect shade or a slight variation of nude shades. As a lipstick lover, I recognize the value of a powerful nude lipstick. We women are able to identify the differences between the nuances, finishes, and want to test all the news that appears on the shelves in the store just to find the ideal nude. This color is a classic in it comes to the makeup and earns points for the versatility it's even more wild than red! It can be used in the day to day, in the office look and beauty chic look in the nightclub or bar balancing between smokey eye plus nude lipstick, it is dope.

New York fashion week catwalk has already decreed: next summer the makeup trend will be a natural look. Nothing beats a nude lipstick when you want to get yourself into the trend. Democratic and versatile, the tone does not discriminate skin tones or age and is perfect for anyone who wants to bet on a "natural" makeup. The idea that nude lipstick is ideal only for people with fair skin still persecutes many women, but the nude is nothing more than the tone that most closely resembles your skin, so it can be used by all skin type, just find out the ideal tone for yourself. Take a test before to see if the color of the lipstick matches your skin tone.

If you want to get an "I just woke up fabulous like Sleep Beauty" effect (well, who does not want), nude makeup requires some concerns, the care when applying the lipstick should be redoubled.
nude lipstick

How to choose the right tone

When properly applied, the nude lipstick has the power to make the lips look larger and voluminous. The wrong color, however, can leave your washed out. To avoid the effect, the first step is to see the tone of your skin and look for the product that is more similar. The nude lipstick of a black woman can be very strong for someone with lighter skin. The correct thing is not buying a nude lipstick tone cause your friend has the same tone and you liked it, the right is to find the one that has more to do with you and match your skin.

Choose lipsticks with a little luster or slightly pink; this will help to ward off the washed out effect. Testing the lipstick first is also very important to discover the ideal shade for your skin. If you do not want to put it on your lips, test the wrist just below the palm of the hand, where the color will look more like in the face.

To avoid unpleasant surprises when going out in the sunny day with the nude lipstick, always test the product in a natural light environment, as the color of the lamp may give a wrong impression of the cosmetic tone on the lips: It is recommended that you experiment with an environment with natural light so that there is no mistake in the real shade of lipstick.

nude lipstick

The ideal tone for each skin type

Black skin: different than many can imagine, black women can (and should) bet on nude lipstick. The false impression that "nude" refers only to very light tones is common and ends up turning black away from nude lipstick. Bet on tones of gold, caramel, brown or coffee, which will give a more natural look. Try to avoid light and bright tones, which will not be harmonious with the skin tone.

White skin: just like when choosing the blush, women with lighter skin should look for a lipstick with more pinkish or peachy pigment, which will match the undertone color of the skin, leaving the look more harmonious. The earthy, pastel and bright shades combine with the white skin.

Asian skin: Women with white skin and yellowish undertone, such as the oriental ones, may seek tones with pigments more brownish, yellowish or peachy, with a beige background. To emphasize the lips, it is still worth betting on more rosy tones: lighter pink. Not to be so dull.

Brown skin: Brunettes can use more closed shades, such as terracotta or gold. The shades of peach and brown are also harmonious for women with this skin tone.

nude lipstick

The correct application

As the lip can become voluminous with nude lipstick, pay attention to the texture of the lips. If they are dry, opt for a creamier formula. To further increase the lip, apply a gloss over the nude lipstick. If lips are very dark or have some imperfection, it is worth to bet on the lip liner with a tone that also comes close to the skin, this will help in the application of the lipstick. The nude is ideal to match with more marked eyes, with a perfect makeup for the night, or with a  bare makeup, giving an impression of "natural look"

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Hello there!
You've seen it with your own eyes: the emerging emphasis of natural ingredients in the beauty industry. People are finally catching onto the harmful effects of chemical-filled cosmetic products, and leaning towards more simple products and organic skincare. In fact, even makeup advertisements are honing in on the importance of their "toxin-free" ingredients rather than the magical effects of the product. However, you may be wondering if these natural ingredients even work. Do organic and eco-friendly makeup brands compare to the industry's best-sellers? We've cracked a few codes for you, so keep on reading.

Question 1: It's Just Makeup. Do Natural Ingredients Really Matter?

While consuming natural ingredients in your diet makes a huge difference to your overall health, natural ingredients in beauty products make a subtler one. Makeup applied to the face essentially gets to deeper layers of the skin through a process called dermal absorption. It's the same reason why some people break out when trying out a new foundation. However, using makeup with chemicals isn't as damaging as eating unnatural ingredients.
At the end of the day, a majority of makeup products come with chemicals, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're bad. Only focus in on the ingredients that concern you. That said, you don't have to go for all-natural makeup products, but some component of natural is always beneficial. For example, a foundation won't have completely naturally-derived ingredients, but it might have hydrating and anti-acne properties that improve your skin. You can look for products that contain some type of natural oil or antioxidant.
The key is to know what works best for you; do your research and see the value in trial-and-error.
natural beauty

Question 2: Do Products With Natural Ingredients Even Work?

The truth is, makeup products that claim to be all-natural don't work as well as others. For instance, a blush that's made completely from eco-friendly ingredients might not blend and apply as well as their counterparts. However, if your skin is suffering from unnatural products, then your safest bet is to use a product that doesn't have toxic ingredients. In these instances, it's important to prioritize health over beauty. You have to deal with the un-blendable blush.
But have no fear—you can always find workarounds for natural makeup products that don't work as well as you'd like them to, anyway. Combine them with other products and natural ingredients until you reach a consistency and texture that's perfect for you.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Hello girls!
Before to get knowing my skin I used to have trouble when buying a new moisturizer, finding the right moisturizer for our skin may seem more difficult than we might think. Moisturizing is critical to skin health and choosing "any product" without paying attention to the details and particularities of each may not bring any benefit. Or worse: make our skin irritated or dry.

The variety of moisturizer products is very large and many women end up choosing their preferred only by scent or brand, regardless of whether the product formula is even ideal for their skin type. So be very careful when looking for the perfect product.

Just like a facial moisturizer, the best body moisturizer for your body skin does not need to have extravagant ingredients. A simple but effective combination will not clog your pores with unnecessary ingredients.
skin care tips

Why should us moisturize our skin?

But after all, what is the skin moisturizer and what is this product for?

The answer may seem kind obvious: to moisturize the skin. But what exactly is hydration?

Moisturizing the skin is the main care we should take. It is the hydration that slows the degenerative processes that weaken it and that results in wrinkles, lack of elasticity, opacity, stains, etc.

Dehydration is mainly caused by external aggressions such as excessive sunlight (and throughout life), pollution, exposure to various climatic variations and, of course, lack of proper hydration. Aging is also another important factor in dehydration because, over the years, our skin will lose its ability to retain water, becoming dry. Therefore, it is more than necessary to biologically rebalance the skin to compensate for the natural loss of hydration.
beauty tips

How to choose the right moisturizer cream?

The best moisturizer is one that will not leave a feeling of excessive oiliness or dry out the dry areas of your skin (such as elbows and knees).

Read the packages carefully and choose the one that is indicated for your skin type. Creams that are produced especially from plant extracts and phytonutrients are great for increasing the strength and elasticity of the skin.

Note whether the formula contains ammonia lactate or urea, excellent for moisturizing very dry skins. Another important item is the protection factor. It should not replace the sunscreen, but it is interesting that the cream chosen has a protection factor, even to a lower degree.

Get to know your skin
Talk to your dermatologist to know your skin type. Knowing what to expect from the care you have with your skin is as important as finding the ideal moisturizer. For example, deep nourishment or a pleasant fragrance are two different care for your body.

Apply the product before going to sleep
When choosing the ideal moisturizer for dry skin, you can opt for an oil-based formula or shea butter. Apply your moisturizer lotion or cream before going to sleep so it has more time to deeply moisturize your skin.

Nourish dry areas
Some parts of the body can get dry more easily, such as feet, knees, and elbows. Keep the skin deeply moisturized and nourished with a set of beauty products that pay particular attention to these areas.

Stay alert to vitamins A, C, and E.
Experts recommend these powerful antioxidants because they protect our skin from the signs of aging.
beauty tips

What is the difference between cream and lotion?

The difference between these products is basically their consistency and action derived from that consistency. The cream is thicker and used after bathing, with the skin dry through the towel. The lotion is lighter, with a smaller moisturizing factor and more "liquid" consistency. It is ideal for giving some scent to the skin but is not very suitable for anyone who wants real hydration.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Hello ladies!
Those who have dry skin know very well how difficult is to control dryness, no matter what the weather. The problem is that, unlike other skin types, dry skin does not have a proper lipid layer to protect it from dryness and hence from allergies and infections. Therefore, those who have this type of skin need to take extra care not only to replenish lipids but to prevent dryness leave the skin at the mercy of impurities, which can cause serious infections. 

In today's post, I'm gonna to talk about some cares that will help you to take better care of your skin because, much more than beauty, skin care also has to do with your health! You cannot neglect it. In addition to daily care such as deep cleansing and protection from the sun, dry skin needs a deep and powerful hydration. Prefer the products with vitamin E, ceramides and natural extracts like coffee and green tea.
 Skincare tips for dry skin

First of all, avoid taking bath with hot water

Everyone knows that hot water is contraindicated for any type of skin and also for hair as it increases the chances of dryness. Just imagine when the skin is dry! You can do some damage. Therefore, even if you enjoy hot baths, chose warm ones, or, if possible, cold ones. 

Prepare the skin very well before makeup (and also take care of it after removing the makeup)

The recommended is to have a daily skincare routine. This is what will leave the skin prepared for any situation, especially for the use of makeup. If the skin is not properly moisturized, the effect of the makeup will look cracked, in addition to causing more irritation and dryness. So apply a good moisturizer before applying the makeup and use a primer that also has a moisturizing action before applying the foundation.
tips for dry skin

Cares when removing the makeup 

When it comes to removing the makeup is that come with the greatest care. Most the makeup removers have a grease-removing substance since some foundations have oil in the formula. It must be removed from the skin. But with this action of the makeup remover, the lipids of the skin also are removed. So it is vital to wash the face with water and apply a good moisturizer to restore the barrier of your skin after the makeup removal process.

When removing the makeup, opt for a creamy makeup remover, which is more suitable for those with dry skin. And never, ever, sleep without removing the makeup, even if you are tired or lazy, okay? For those who prefer a more natural alternative, virgin coconut oil is an excellent option to apply to the skin before the makeup and also in the removal.

Attention to the sun exposure

All skin types, when exposed to the sun, can have some kind of damage, such as dryness or even spot. Dry skin, since it does not have an adequate protective barrier, suffers the effects of this exposure even more.

If you like to go to the beach or pool, redouble the hydration, drink plenty of water, feed properly and apply sunscreen and moisturizer before and after the dive. At such times, whenever possible, take a shower of fresh water to remove chlorine and salt from the skin. 
 Skincare tips for dry skin

Avoid acid and alcohol-based products, even if they are specific to dry skin

As dry skin protection barriers are more fragile than other skin types, it is best to avoid products that have acid and alcohol in their composition. Alcohol has a detergent action on the skin, which promotes more dryness. The acid can also be aggressive for those who have dry skin and this element is present in most beauty and cleanser products, such as soap. If you are unsure, use products that have low acid concentration and choose soaps with neutral pH.

Hydrate your whole body and face

Hydration needs to be at the top of your priority list. The care for your health is reflected in the beauty of the skin, the hair, the body as a whole. So that old story of taking two liters of water a day is imperative to you, as well as caring with the food.

Do not wait until the skin has dried to use moisturizers. Moisturizers should be applied daily to the dry skin. Remember that a well-moisturized skin retains its youthfulness.

After bathing, leave the laziness aside and apply creams all over the body. If the skin is not cracked by dryness, use urea or glycerine based products. The most concentrated products of intensive hydration are ideal for those who have dry skin. So, bet on them!

Use moisturizing masks to eliminate signs of tiredness

As much as you drink lots of fluids, feed well and apply specific creams to your skin type, it can happen that your skin begins to show signs of tiredness caused by dryness. Therefore, periodically, you can make moisturizing masks with products based on natural oils and glycerin, or you can buy it. It will be a few minutes that will make all the difference, believe me! Every 15 days (or all week, depending on the condition of your skin), apply the product to the face, massage the skin, leave it on for 15 minutes and you will notice your skin recovered from the appearance of tiredness.

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