Thursday, August 18, 2016

The woes of weight loss!

Hello, girls!
weight loss!
Let’s face it. Dieting is big bucks because it taps into a pervasive feeling that fatness is bad. But the millions of dollars get turned over also because diets simply do not work.

Some surveys have found that six out of every ten women have at some stage of their lives been on a diet with the aim of losing weight. In fact, at any moment one in ten are dieting.
Diets come in all forms, from the midday-TV advertised offers through, to books that routinely top the best-seller lists in rapid bursts of popularity and then disappear just as quickly.
You may recall the "Israeli army diet" (eat only apples and chicken), "whey protein diet", "Fit for Life" (fruit for breakfast and don't mix those food groups), the "14-day diet challenge" ... and the list goes on.

Besides their moments of glory (and fat cheques) for the creators and celebrities who promoted them, they all had one thing in common. They promised to help you lose weight quickly. And you did, but within a month you put the weight back on again. Even worse, nine out of ten people end up weighing more than they did before they went on the diet.

The cycle of quick weight loss and rebound effect is no mystery. It occurs because these diets are low in carbohydrates and sugar, which only help people lose water, not fat.
weight loss goal
Typical carbohydrates are foods such as bread, potatoes, cereals, rice, pasta and other grain products. Cutting them out of your diet causes diuresis, a process of water loss that can help you lose three to four kilograms in a week.
Your body normally converts carbohydrates into glycogen, which serves as an immediate energy source for physical activity and is stored in the muscles.

But without a regular intake of carbohydrates, your stores of glycogen start to run down, and linked to every gram of glycogen are three grams of water. At the same time, your body starts breaking down muscle tissue to keep up its supply of glucose, which creates waste products that are washed out of the body via the kidneys. To do this effectively, the kidneys require a lot of water. So lo and behold, before you know can say "I'm a size eight!" you've lost a few hefty kilos. What a diet!

The rebound effect occurs when people begin feeling physically unwell and turned off mentally by the  diet's structures and start eating carbohydrates again.
In response, having experienced a depletion of glycogen, the body refills its stores to beyond what they were before and with the water linked to each gram of glycogen, you end up weighing more than you did before going on the diet.

Some people like the idea of fast weight loss because they think a fast start will provide them with motivation. After many years of experience, you've seen that any initial motivation is cancelled out by the feelings of despair and disappointment when the lost weight returns.
Sadly, people almost always blame themselves, usually believing there must be something wrong with them. They rarely attribute the failure where it belongs: with the diet.

The healthiest weight loss is fat loss, but the only way to do it is slowly: at best, around half a kilo a week.
healthy weight loss
Medical studies now show that the most effective fat loss occurs through a combination of limiting your intake of fat and doing regular exercise.

You need to cut down on fat rich foods like full cream milk, ice cream, butter, margarine, red meat and fast foods. Accepting these limitations is made easier by knowing that there are foods you can eat without restriction. This includes vegetables, fruit, bread, rice, pasta, beans, cereals and low-fat dairy products, most of which have the added advantage of being high in fibre. 

A regular exercise routine only requires a daily 30-minute walk. But because some people find it hard to fit exercise into their busy schedules, it's suggested that a daily walk should be seen as a reward, a sort of time-out from work or caring for the family. When people think of it like that their attitude changes.

The other significant problem with dieting is that while 48 percent of the population think they are overweight, only 30 percent really are. The solution for many people might not be dieting, but rather learning to accept themselves as they are.

Three-quarters of the women hate their bodies. In particular, they hate the parts below the waist. That means the belly, hips, bottom or thighs.

What they don't realize is that most women are built in an apple shape and there's no associated health risk with the fat in that region of their bodies. But they're constantly bombarded with images in the media of women with flat stomachs.
The danger of chronic dieting is that it might put you at risk of developing a subclinical or eventually even a fully blown eating disorder such as bulimia nervosa, the psychiatric condition characterised by cycles of starving, bingeing and vomiting.
weight loss
We need to educate and create the conditions to help women kick the dieting habit. One step in the right direction is pointing out that most diets, particularly the hyped-up fads, simply do not work.

Autor: Her name is Natalia Moore, a health researcher and passionate blogger who enjoys learning, discovering, and sharing tips on Lifestyle & Wellness. 
Contact: Google+, Website

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