Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hello girls, is everyone well served? Today I'm gonna to share you two amazing recipes.
I found this recipe in a on the internet, immediately I was dying to do because it seemed very easy and I had all the ingredients at home.
The cake is a delight, in the middle is very creamy. Mine stayed thin because I used a very big mold, but you can put in a smaller mold. I made this recipe for my family on my vacation, actually I liked the most cornmeal cake.
In general, cornmeal is simpler than you think! Just beat all ingredients in a blender and hit the point in time to bake. Once ready, the sweet can be served for the whole family or even sold. I hope you like it. Happy Halloween.

Cornmeal Cake
cornmeal cake


4 eggs
4 cups of milk
3 cups of sugar
2 tablespoons of flour
1 cup and a half of corn meal
2 tablespoons of margarine
100 g of grated Parmesan cheese
1 teaspoon of baking powder

In a blender beat the milk, eggs, butter and sugar. In a container, put the parmesan cheese, cornmeal and wheat flour. Add the liquid that is in the blender. Mix until smooth. Mix the yeast at the end. Pour the mixture into a greased with cornmeal mold. Bake in oven preheated to 150 ° C for about 30 minutes.

Chocolate Cake
Chocolate cake


1 cup of oil
1 cup of water
4 eggs
2 cups of sugar
2 cups of wheat flour
1 cup of powdered chocolate
1 teaspoon of baking powder

Chocolate creamy
3 cups of sweetened condensed milk
8 tablespoons of powdered chocolate
2 tablespoons of butter
1 ½ cup of sour cream

2 egg whites
1 1/2 cups of  sugar
½ cup of water

Chocolate chips
chocolate sprinkles
Chocolate sticks


Beat the eggs, water and oil in the mixer. In a container, place all dry ingredients, flour, sugar and chocolate, the add the mixture and whisk. Finally, add the yeast. Place dough in a greased and floured form without hole. Bake in preheated medium oven for about 30 minutes.

Chocolate creamy
In a saucepan, place the condensed milk, chocolate and butter. Cook over low heat, stirring frequently until become a creamy. Turn off and add the cream. Let cool.

 In a saucepan, bring the water and sugar, make a syrup. Beat the egg whites. Add the syrup in the whipped egg white and beat until warm.

 Cut the cake, fill with chocolate cream, put the other part of the cake and top with marshmallow. Decorate with chocolate chips, cookies or candies or as you like.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hello girls,
How does not want to have a hydrated, soft and young skin for the lifetime?
A Little care will help you to get your dream and perfect skin.  Have a perfect face, with a soft, hydrated skin and a youthful and healthy appearance is much easier than you think. If you think you need a shelf full of creams and fancy formulas, forget all that. The beauty of your skin is directly related to the small actions of everyday life, like sleeping little, not sanitize or moisturize your face correctly, between the various slips that although small, over time can make a huge mess.
If you drink, smoke and often sleeps little, know that these excesses will jeopardize the health of your skin. You still may not be seeing the dangers, however, sooner or later the effects will appear.
You did not like a  bit what you read and want to know what to do to keep the young face for a longer time? Below are the three essential items that can not stay out of your daily beauty routine. So, you know, no laziness when you get tired or wake up at the last minute.

How to keep your skin hydrated and young?

1. Clean or Exfoliate - to have a healthy skin is recommended to perfect the cleaning and sanitize the face properly. This ensures the removal of dead cells, waste products and excess of oil. Attention when choosing the product to wash your face. Do not use conventional soaps in this region, they are usually more focused on hydration or more aggressive cleaning agents, which could end up tipping the region, causing peeling or even excessive dryness of the skin, which can cause the premature appearance of lines expression.

Now, nothing to get washing the skin all the time, this will stimulate the overproduction of sebum. The face should be washed, at least, twice a day, morning and evening. To prevent possible aggression, dry it with a soft towel pressing it on the skin without rubbing.

2. Tone - tone the skin is a process that must be done every day in order to remove any residue that might be remaining on the face even after cleaning. But do not stop there, the tonic also causes the pores back to its normal size.

To tone the face, apply the product with cotton, as light taps so that it is completely absorbed by the skin.
How to keep your skin hydrated and young?

3) Moisturize - with clean, dry face, it's time to hydrate and protect the skin. If yours is very dry, choose an appropriate treatment cream. For those who suffer from oily skin, the hot springs guarantee a smooth moisturizing and facial oiliness control.

Protection: Do not forget that beautiful skin is a skin protected from UV rays. Never forget to apply sunscreen after cleaning your skin and before leaving home.
How to keep your skin hydrated and young?

Some Homemade mask 


1 egg yolk;
1 tablespoon of honey;
½ tablespoon of wheat flour;
½ cup plain of yogurt

How to prepare it?
Mix all ingredients well until the mixture is smooth. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and take it slow going in the face, until it is completely covered. Do not apply the mixture on the eyes and lips. Let stand for 20 minutes and then remove the mask by washing your face with water.

2 tablespoons of plain yogurt
½ cucumber

How to prepare it?
Mix all ingredients well and then apply to the skin. Let act for 15 minutes and remove it with cold water.


3 tablespoons of oat
1 tablespoon of sugar
2 tablespoons  of honey
¼ of orange juice

  How to prepare it?
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until it forms a  cream. Once the well has consistently applied in the clean skin, performing a circular motion. Let act for 15 minutes and remove it with cold water.
How to keep your skin hydrated and young?

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hello girls,

The Sao Paulo Fashion Week Winter 2016 presented the main fashion trends for the coming winter and confirming trends that will heat up in 2016, as the influence of lingerie, which are now highlights and nothing more than being hidden, they have become inspiration for fluid and feminine looks, bringing a sensual elegance to the coldest season of the year.
For the winter season 2016, the brands have presented their shows are betting on more clean looks and full of diversity.
Makeup with light skin, freckles on evidence, marked eyebrows and mouth all or eye all are the major trends. Meanwhile, the hair are shown more textured and natural, and quite movement, in most cases, divided in half.
Traditional Black and White is another trend that is strong in both weeks of international fashion, as Sao Paulo. The difference is due to flowing shirts extensive modeling to compose super stylish looks. And I brought some photos to you.

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week




apartamento- Inverno




Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

ronaldo fraga

samuel cirnansck

vitorino campos

wagner kallieno
spfw- inverno 2016

Weekly outfit inspiration- Sao Paulo Fashion Week

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Hello girls,
Sadness, discouragement, and frustration are signs that you are settling for little. No dream, just think about the difficulties, give up before trying things are boycotting your happiness. Worse, often we do not realize.
 stop settling for little

Delete the phrase "It's hard for me" from your vocabulary
Who usually responds to invitations to dinner, participate in a project or go to a party and meet new people with the phrase "It's hard for me" tends to settle for less than you deserve in all areas. "This is a way to turn any desire to impossible dream." With ready negative, always at the read yon the tip of the tongue, serves as a shield to protect the new. Try an experiment: ". If  you ban for a week to talk" It is difficult "" or something else. So just tell I want  or I want not and see how many opportunities will open up. "It will be a kind of abstention of addiction period to give an excuse for everything, which will create a direct connection to their truest desires."

Do not ask "What do I need to get what I want?"
If you do, you'll soon discover that it's no use dreaming about this super trip, the business itself or a career change because they lack time, money, company, partner, knowledge ..., I suggest asking a question: "Is it possible?" Without dropping your dreams away, the question also works as an antidote megalomaniac plans. Example? If a secretary 40 years want to be an elite athlete, you see, the question is that this is not feasible, although it can run as an amateur and even participate in marathons. "But if she wants to make an old desire to be a nurse and help people? This, indeed, is possible, provided it is willing to go back to school"

Control the fear of being succeed and be noticed
Believe me, this fear is more common than you think. After all is much more comfortable and safe stay in the little world that we are already and know so well. Okay, be at the top, in the spotlight, it may mean becoming an easier target of criticism and envy. But I am afraid to shine because it can lead to a disastrous state of stagnation, to stop fighting for their fondest dreams. "The fear of risk and accommodation exit leads to the obvious conclusion that something 'not for me'. "It is dangerous to go after what you want." Yes, any realization takes work, requires a willingness to leave the comfort zone and involves dangers. But dare worth it. "Just so you will get the chance to enter  in the world their uniqueness, print your personal and non-transferable brand, is doing what he loves most, is raising a child, is writing a book.

Minimizes complaints and enjoy their achievements
It depends on a commitment to maintaining their self-esteem on time and to get rid of generalizations you may have stuck in your head and that limit personal initiative. "Only complain about an unsatisfactory relationship, for example, and do nothing to get out of it reveals the fear of being alone, coupled with the belief in the maxim that decrees 'bad with him, worse without him' - and that is what sustains the accommodation. It also means you do not believe to be worthy of the good and healthy relationships. To reverse the situation, we must, first of all, stop complaining. Then direct the focus to the achievements made so far, giving due weight to them. "These simple actions reinforce self-esteem and nurture the courage. "Happiness is a state of mind does not depend on external things You will come to her knowing what really matters to you, loving what has already won without comparing with others and forgiving for errors that are part of any route. "

Change your mind: dreams are not realized by magic

And you will not have a happy life after impeccably come true. The desire for everything to be as perfect as we imagine, the ideal husband to the movie house, causes frustration. The idealization blurs the notion of reality and makes us dream of what is unattainable. Result: if we can not have perfection, we can end contenting ourselves only with what we received, although it is not quite what we wanted. Not to fall into the trap, be aware that great achievements are always the result of a lot of planning, commitment, and sweat, in a process that involves a handful of trial and error. So start making detailed and realistic plans to get what they deserve. You can take into account four features:

1. Physical or health and disposition.
2. Emotional, that is determination and courage.
3. Intellectuals, which translate into the ability to learn what it takes.

4. Financial, or money for whatever. If you already have on hand, great. Otherwise, it is always possible to raise the necessary funds.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hello girls,
The search for the young and healthy has existed since ancient times, however, currently, there are different solutions and options for Facial Rejuvenation treatments to have a more youthful appearance and a smooth face. The biggest and main complaints of women and some men looking for a facial rejuvenation treatment, is mainly the appearance of wrinkles, expression lines and sagging, and patients should have common sense, that does not help treat the entire face and let the neck and hands denounce  the age.
Facial Rejuvenation - homemade facial rejuvenation
Facial rejuvenation:
Each Facial Rejuvenation treatment has a purpose, these resolved without delay to the wrinkle problem and sagging, despite being expensive treatments, the methods would produce results in a few days or weeks and leave the face with a naturally youthful appearance, different from what one is won on a surgery table.
Each treatment has an easy goal, it can be a stimulating the production of collagen, which allows the face is restored, treatment of sagging, wrinkles fill or skin renewal.
The techniques may be used in parallel in finding potentiating effects that complement results in a more natural and permanent.
Facial treatments may be suggested by the dermatologist who suggested according to the degree of wrinkles and sagging that the patient wishes to treat and can be a botulinum toxin, soft tissue fillers, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, facial lifting with lights, micro roller, filling with hyaluronic, CO² fractional laser acid, revitacell, volcanic peeling, radio, nd others.

These treatments also require a certain care after the sessions and some even before the sessions, preserving the skin from sunlight and certain products and treatments like waxing, peeling from any source, etc., so that there are irritation and blemishes during the administration of treatments.
One should be careful medical recommendations, especially in treatments that cause flaking, being used for products indicated that the effects of post-treatment are minimized.
Hardly there is no post-treatment recommendation, but in most cases it is best to leave the sun for at least two weeks or a month, only an isolated case it is necessary to avoid even the cold light, to prevent any burns to the face, which is the case with radio frequency.
Some treatments can have three-month intervals between sessions while others the range is up to one year.

Homemade facial rejuvenation:
The homemade options primarily serve to slow the effects of aging that attract wrinkles and facial sagging, as well as the change in facial volume. These home methods have a long-term effect, requiring dedication and time to do, yet are less expensive than clinical treatments, however, do not totally eliminate the need for one day come to need to use a medical treatment.

green mask


3 tablespoons of papaya
1 tablespoon of  honey
1 grated carrot


Grate carrots and mix with the other ingredients to form a paste. Apply this mask over your face and leave act for about 20 minutes. Then remove it with warm water and a cotton swab.

The honey and papaya are great for hydrating the skin and, combined with vitamins carrot, skin is silky, smooth and more beautiful.

For best results, make a homemade scrub on the face using as exfoliating 1 tablespoon sugar.
honey mask

Honey, yogurt and lemon mask 

This powerful mask to rejuvenate is ideal for all skin types and their ingredients make a very powerful mix for special skin care. Honey moisturizes and adds shine, yogurt, with its lactic acid, helps remove dead cells, helping to combat the signs of aging. Lemon is a powerful cleanser, reduces blemishes and scars and also contributes to recover the uniformity of skin tone. Gelatin is rich in collagen, help tighten loose skin, supports skin, hair and nail growth.
lemon mask


3 tablespoons of honey
½ cup of plain  yogurt
5 drops of lemon juice
2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin

Preparation and application
In a bowl mix all ingredients well and then apply to the skin, leaving it to act for 20 minutes. Repeat the process twice a week, that way you will get better results.

If you want to use these ingredients to exfoliate the skin, just to add to the mix two tablespoons of oatmeal and apply on the skin with circular motions.

Homemade mask to rejuvenate and tone the neck skin 

The neck is one of the areas most likely to lose elasticity and firmness. This mask is specific to the neck skin care, as the combination of tones ingredients and keeps the skin hydrated and regenerated.


2 tablespoons of pure honey
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoons of olive oil

Preparation and application
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and apply to the clean skin of the neck. Perform gentle circular motions and let rest in the skin for five minutes. Remove with cold water.

Avocado mask

The avocado is known for its multiple properties for nutrition and hydration of the skin. This mask helps to tone the skin, moisturizing and making it radiant and healthy. It is not suitable to those who have oily skin, as this fruit has a lot of oils can enhance the production of oil produced by the skin.
avocado mask

½ cup of honey
1 ripe avocado
3 tablespoons of witch hazel lotion
3 tablespoons of saline

Preparation and application
Remove the avocado pulp and mash with a fork, add  witch hazel lotion and saline. Once you have the ingredients in the form of a paste, apply on face and neck leaving to act for 20 minutes. After this time, remove with cold water and repeat the procedure twice a week.

Egg mask to tone the skin
egg mask

The egg has vitamins that help display a more smooth and radiant skin. If you want to maintain a wrinkle-free complexion, this mask will help tone the skin naturally, reducing wrinkles and keeping a younger look.

1 egg white
1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin

Preparation and application
Whisk egg whites to form a whipped egg whites. Once you are done, add a tablespoon of warm honey, 2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin and mix well. Dampen your face with warm water and then apply the mask leaving work for 15 minutes. Remove with cold water and repeat the procedure at least twice a week.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Hello girls, changing a little about hair and skin care, makeup and food on the blog, after all not only the hair and beautiful makeup a woman lives, right? Today I want to talk about homemade cares to let your breasts firm and beautiful. After all there is nothing better than being well with our self-esteem, is not it?
Every woman wants to have perfect breasts for a lifetime. Unfortunately, this is not possible in most cases. The sagging of the breast is a natural process that happens with age, the breasts lose their flexibility and elasticity.
Although the breasts start getting flabby after the woman reaches 40, it can also occur earlier.
Besides age, other factors that cause breast tenderness include: breastfeeding, pregnancy, menopause, fast weight loss or gain, strenuous exercise, nutritional deficiencies and using inadequate bras.
Some diseases like breast cancer or respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis can also cause the fall of the breasts. Furthermore, excessive intake of nicotine, alcohol and carbonated drinks may contribute to the problem.
The breasts has no muscle. They are made of fat, connective tissue and milk-producing glands, and it takes proper care to keep them in good shape.
A wide variety of creams and lotions available in the market to tighten and tone sagging breasts, also have surgeries for those who have money. However, if you prefer natural methods, there are simple tips and easy homemade cares that you can try. Take a look.
.Homemade recipes to leave the firm breasts

.Homemade recipes to leave the firm breasts

. Exercise
Women with sagging breasts should incorporate exercise into their daily routine.
Exercises that tone breast tissue and chest muscles around the chest can help a lot to add firmness.
Some exercises that can effectively reduce sagging are - weight lifting, push-ups and push-ups with dumbbells crucifix.
Along with these, there are other types of exercises you can perform so that her breasts are firm. Always wear a support bra.

. Olive oil
Massage your breasts with olive oil is an excellent technique to firm sagging breasts.
Olive oil is a rich source of antioxidants and fatty acids that can reverse the damage caused by free radicals and prevent sagging breasts. It will also help to improve skin tone and texture.
Put a little oil on your hand palms and rub them to generate heat.
Rub your palms over her breasts in an upward motion.
Gently massage for 15 minutes to increase blood flow and stimulate cell repair.
Make this massage at least 4 or 5 times a week.
You can also use almond oil, argan, avocado or jojoba to massage your breasts.

. Cucumber and Egg Yolk
Another excellent remedy to lift the breasts is a mask prepared from egg yolk and cucumber.
Cucumber naturally has properties toning of the skin and egg yolk has high levels of protein and vitamins that can treat sagging breasts.
Mashes 1 small cucumber in a blender.
Mix 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon cocoa butter or cream to create a paste.
Apply it on your breasts and leave it for about 30 minutes.
Wash thoroughly with cold water.
Use this mask once a week to firm and strengthen the breast tissue.
cares for saggy breast

. Egg White
The egg white is also good for sagging breasts due to its astringent and nourishing properties.
The hydro lipid present in the egg white helps to lift the loose skin around your breasts.
Beat 1 egg white until foamy texture. Apply it on your breasts and let stand for 30 minutes. Wash with onion or cucumber juice and then with cold water.
You can also prepare a breast mask by mixing 1 egg 1 tablespoon of yogurt and honey. Apply on your breasts and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water.
Do any of these remedies once a week to keep the firm breasts.

. Fenugreek
In Ayurveda, fenugreek is often used to firm sagging breasts. It has vitamins and antioxidants that fight free radical damage and help lift the breasts. Tighten and smooth the skin around the breasts.
Mix 1/4 cup of fenugreek powder with enough water to form a thick paste. Massage this paste on your breasts and let stand 5-10 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Use this mask once or twice a week.
You can also prepare a breast mask with 1/2 cup of yogurt, 10 drops  of fenugreek oil and vitamin E oil and 1 egg white. Mix the ingredients until a smooth paste.
Apply the paste on your breasts and rub gently. Let stand for about 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Use this mask once a week.

. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has properties that developers can help get rid of sagging breasts. The Aloe Vera antioxidant prevents damage caused by free radicals and helps to firm sagging breasts.
Apply aloe vera gel on the breasts and gently massage in a circular motion for 10 minutes.
Let stand for 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Repeat this remedy 4 or 5 times a week for effective results.
You can also prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel  and 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise and honey. Apply it on your breasts and leave for 15 minutes. Wash first with warm water, then use cold water. Do this once a week.
. Shea butter
Another natural ingredient to lift and tighten the breasts is shea butter. It is a great source of vitamin E pinching skin to give breasts a firmer appearance.
This also helps prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.
Rub some shea butter on your breasts.
Massage up and in a circular motion for 10-15 minutes.
Let stand for 10 minutes and then wash it off with water.
Do this 3 or 4 times a week to have visible results.
. Rhassoul clay
Rhassoul clay is a natural ingredient to firm the skin. It contains minerals such as silica, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium and sodium that help firm and tighten sagging skin, including the breasts.
Mix 2 tablespoons Rhassoul clay powder with enough water to make a smooth paste.
Apply this paste on her breasts and let dry.
Rinse with warm water.

Orange mask:

This mask is also very good to let the firm breasts, to make it separate ½ cup of orange juice, ½ teaspoon grated orange, 2 tablespoons cornflour and 2 tablespoons of yogurt. Dissolve the flour in the juice, add the "peel" orange, yogurt and apply on your breasts before going to sleep.

Exfoliation - Choose a scrub and use while bathing once a week. It helps to remove dead cells facilitating the absorption of moisturizing products specific to the region.

Homemade Scrub recipe
1 tablespoon of coffee
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
Mix everything, and apply in your wet skin, make circular motion.

Hydration - After the bath, apply moisturizing cream, it is excellent to prevent sagging and still act as supporting the process of firmly.

Additional tips
Avoid extreme diets with drastic weight loss in a short time because they can make the breasts fall.
Enjoy swimming is a great exercise to firm breasts.
Avoid bends forward contract poses, jump and run without a support bra.
Drink plenty of water daily to hydrate your skin.
Do not expose your breasts directly to the sun without protective solar.A sunlight can lead to loss of skin elasticity.
Apply sunscreen on your breasts, whenever you are wearing a bikini or summer dresses that have spaghetti strap or a low neckline.
Stop smoking to improve overall health and protect the fragile skin of the breasts.
Make sure to correct your posture to prevent sagging breasts. Always sit up straight and walk straight without leaning.
Always use the right fitting bra to provide enough support to your breasts.
Wear a sports bra while doing aerobics, playing tennis, running or doing any type of exercise that causes the breasts do not jump.
If you are overweight, lose weight. Excessive body weight causes the skin to stretch and make the breasts to sag.
You can also try yoga to tone and tighten the breasts.
Eat healthy foods with essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, calcium and minerals, carbohydrates and essential fats that are necessary to establish the breasts.
Homemade cares for saggy breast

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hello girls,
I'm long time off from blogging, and I'm so sorry about that. Today I gonna talk about my holidays.
My holidays were fantastic! I was two months in Sao Tome. I was needing to rest a little bit.
After three years far away from home, it's always good to be home with family and friends. I had a wonderful vacation, I went to many parties, beaches.
This year my holidays were really different I had nice moments that I could enjoy a lot with my family, because my parents were able to take working vacations well in the summer and so we had the opportunity to do many activities together, like going to the beach, so I can say that my holidays were sensational, and sad moment I lost my great-grandmother, that was a sad moment for me and  my family. And I want to share some pictures of my good moments.

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